In-House Credentials
- MSc Food Science
- LLM Global Food Laws
- Administrative Laws Safety & Labelling
- Foundations of Laws and Legal Rights
- US Food Regulations
- Latin America Food Regulations
- China Food Regulations
- International Food Laws & Regulations
- Canada Food Laws & Regulations
- BRC , FSSC 22000 lead auditor
- PCQI, FSVP Lead Instructor
- BRC Approved Training Partner Global
- Serve Safe , Train The Trainer Food Handler

Main Focus Vendors / Manufacturers
Our Compliance Services
Trainings we can Provide
If you aspire to be a QA Professional or are working in production companies but want to escalate your Career, then we have perfect solutions for you
Compliance training
- Educating vendors on Compliance standards for CFIA/FDA – North America/Overseas
Certification Training: HAACP:2 days
- Third Party Auditor Certification by BRC: People who want to become Auditors -5 days Class + 2 actual shadow audits
- FDA Foreign Supplier qualified individual
- FDA Preventive Control qualifier individual
- Food Handler certification
Interested? Let's get in touch!
Making a positive first impression is essential to developing a strong customer relationship. VendorMe is powerful enough to assist you with any challenges and help your with professional advice and Strategies to grow Sales while you save on Costs.
Don’t Delay – Just Contact Us us for a Complimentary Discovery Call